Seenland Oderspree

City walk: Frankfurt (Oder) literary

City walk: Frankfurt (Oder) literary

The city walk starts at Gubener Straße 13. This is where the building of the former Friedrichs-Gymnasium is located. Today the Mitte elementary school is located here. The building is one of the oldest educational institutions in Frankfurt (Oder). It was opened as a school for the Reformed community as early as 1694. We continue to the park at the St. Gertraudenkirche. At the northern end of the park is the monument to Heinrich von Kleist. Kleist once described himself in a letter to his friend Heinrich Zschokke as "poor Kautz from Brandenburg". To the west of the monument you will find the tomb for the poet and military man Ewald Christian von Kleist. On the east side of St. Mary's Church is the sculpture for Heinrich von Kleist by the sculptor Wieland Förster. This was set up in 1977 on the occasion of Kleist's 200th birthday. Across the street on Grosse Oderstrasse (approx. Grosse Oderstrasse 25) was once Kleist's birthplace, but it was destroyed in 1945. On the way to the Kleist Museum you will pass the Bolfrashaus. The Kleist Museum building was erected as a garrison school in 1777, when Kleist was born. This is a free school for the children of the common soldiers. The tour continues on the Große Oderstraße in a northbound direction. Professor Gottlob Samuel Nicolai once lived in the corner house on Grosse Oderstrasse / Junkerstrasse. Ewald Christian von Kleist died here. Today you will find the Löwen-Apotheke on the corner of Junkerstrasse. Heinrich von Kleist's friend from Switzerland Heinrich Zschokke once lived here. Length: approx. 1.7 km, duration: approx. 30 minutes pure walking time Literature: City guide Frankfurt (Oder) / Slubice (2021), publisher: ScottyScout, editors: K. Hinrichsen / M. Nesselrodt

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Mein Name ist Elisabeth Latta von der Stadtrezeption Frankfurt (Oder).